Zumindest ein Zitat, bei dem ich den Gedanken ganz interessant und ansatzweise relevant finde:
gguillotte: I've been watching procedurally generated content for a while. Love comes to mind, a PG MMO. What sort of impact is this going to have, where content generation is automated?
Richard: it depends if the generation of the content is the game or is filler
Richard: procedural content can work - I've spent many, many hours playing Rogue for example
Richard: using procedural content to create a canvas for virtual worlds seems a perfectly rational thing to do
Richard: however, the designer has to put their soul in it somewhere: either this is by modifying the procedural content or by creating the framework that creates it
Richard: now the former is the traditional way for designers to speak to players; if a designer wants to speak through the content-generation rules, well
Richard: that would be possible but we don't have the vocabulary for it yet
Anyway, zumindest war das ein Vorwand, auch mal auf den Bartle Test zu verweisen und auf Terra Nova. Und wenn ich schon dabei bin: Sehr empfehlenswert für Grundlagen von Game Develop-Seite ist der Escapist.
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