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Hier ist eine Beschreibung des Films von der einzigen Kritik die imdb listet: Over the course of 108 minutes, Multiple Futures manages to explore the demise of humanity, fashion and the mutation of the AIDS virus. The first in the trilogy, Betaville: A Postmodern Nightmare is a tongue-in-cheek take on Jean-Luc Godard's Alphaville. Wittenstein obviously knows her French New Wave as she mimics camera angles and that film's vast sense of space almost verbatim. Betaville is a chilling little story about a detective who returns to his hometown only to discover that it has been taken over by a type of fascist fashion regime.
No Such Thing as Gravity examines a futuristic society where "LaFont," a massive multinational corporation, has obtained complete control over Earth. It exiles all of the nonconsumers and those deemed "useless" to an artificial planet called Nova Terra. New York underground king Nick Zedd plays a lawyer who plots the destruction of the Earth. The film is reminiscent of many old Outer Limit episodes. It tactfully copies the series' sparse set design and appears to even sample some of the same eerie music.
The Deflowering, the last of the trilogy, examines another futuristic society where the AIDS virus has mutated to the point that humans cannot have any type of physical contact. Everyone wanders around in giant condoms deemed "safesuits." As a result, children are genetically engineered and everyone has developed an allergic reaction to pollen. The film seems to poke fun at the way society is heading toward sterility and a lack of real human contact.
Hier ist eine Beschreibung des Films von der einzigen Kritik die imdb listet:
AntwortenLöschenOver the course of 108 minutes, Multiple Futures manages to explore the demise of humanity, fashion and the mutation of the AIDS virus.
The first in the trilogy, Betaville: A Postmodern Nightmare is a tongue-in-cheek take on Jean-Luc Godard's Alphaville. Wittenstein obviously knows her French New Wave as she mimics camera angles and that film's vast sense of space almost verbatim. Betaville is a chilling little story about a detective who returns to his hometown only to discover that it has been taken over by a type of fascist fashion regime.
No Such Thing as Gravity examines a futuristic society where "LaFont," a massive multinational corporation, has obtained complete control over Earth. It exiles all of the nonconsumers and those deemed "useless" to an artificial planet called Nova Terra. New York underground king Nick Zedd plays a lawyer who plots the destruction of the Earth. The film is reminiscent of many old Outer Limit episodes. It tactfully copies the series' sparse set design and appears to even sample some of the same eerie music.
The Deflowering, the last of the trilogy, examines another futuristic society where the AIDS virus has mutated to the point that humans cannot have any type of physical contact. Everyone wanders around in giant condoms deemed "safesuits." As a result, children are genetically engineered and everyone has developed an allergic reaction to pollen. The film seems to poke fun at the way society is heading toward sterility and a lack of real human contact.
...sounds cheery!